Convert from East-North-Up cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.

cartesian_to_polar(cartesian, anchor = c(0, 0, 0), digits = NULL)



A data.table with three columns describing the *XYZ* coordinates of a point cloud.


A numeric vector of length three which describe the *XYZ* anchor coordinate for reference to get the polar coordinates. It assumes that the reference coordinates are c(X = 0, Y = 0, Z = 0) as default.


A numeric vector of length 1 describing the decimal numbers to round the zenith and azimuth angles. If NULL, round does not apply. NULL as default.


A data.table with the zenith and azimuth angles (degrees), and the distance to the anchor coordinate.


It assumes that the positive *Z* axis is the reference vector for the zenith angle. Likewise, it assumes that the *Y* axis is the north-south direction (positive to negative) for the azimuth angle. If a point from cartesian presents the same *XY* coordinates than anchor, angles returns NA.


J. Antonio Guzmán Q.


#>          zenith    azimuth  distance
#>     1: 89.99378 353.080497  9.215623
#>     2: 90.00000 353.062011  9.290530
#>     3: 89.75675 353.183855  9.186260
#>     4: 89.36618 352.786538  9.220790
#>     5: 89.46676 353.102336  9.213834
#>    ---                              
#> 75844: 64.76840   6.018522 12.715288
#> 75845: 64.64248   5.945087 12.759614
#> 75846: 64.78163   6.383938 12.669886
#> 75847: 64.56638   6.213461 12.632573
#> 75848: 64.54022   6.314357 12.680940
anchor <- c(1, 1, 1)
cartesian_to_polar(pc_tree, anchor)
#>          zenith    azimuth  distance
#>     1: 96.76843 345.480859  8.476392
#>     2: 96.71613 345.527651  8.550640
#>     3: 96.53739 345.566465  8.440816
#>     4: 96.08179 345.166127  8.475847
#>     5: 96.20083 345.502590  8.464203
#>    ---                              
#> 75844: 67.05396   1.130537 11.337925
#> 75845: 66.90628   1.063065 11.382168
#> 75846: 67.06595   1.513200 11.287073
#> 75847: 66.83818   1.300411 11.250751
#> 75848: 66.79539   1.430717 11.297134